3, 6 and 12 month leadership programmes
Many of our clients return for further learning
after they’ve experienced the power of a 1 or 2 day workshop
The following leadership modules can be tailored to meet your specific business challenges and core leadership development needs.
A one-day foundation workshop is a pre-requisite to these modules and will help identify key focus areas for learning.
Each module can be run as a one-day workshop or combined with other modules to create a 3, 6 or 12 month programme.
Strategic Vision
Identify a strategic vision and prepare to take your leadership and business to the next level.
Create an impact
Understand how to create presence and personal impact in a variety of situations.
3 positions of leadership
Learn who, how and when to lead from the front, side or behind to get results.
Build trust & mutual respect
Deepen awareness of how to build trust and mutual respect through changes in behaviour.
Communicate with clarity
Improve how you communicate non-verbally to influence clients, teams and peers with different motivations.
Creative thinking & innovation
Develop creativity and flexibility to enable innovation. Explore how personal masks prevent full authentic expression and prevent innovation and learn how to be more congruent in behaviour.
Power and compassion
Understand the importance of being powerful and compassionate, fine-tuning the balance of passive, assertive and aggressive behaviour.
Collaborative working
Develop collaborative working by building on the strengths of self and others.
Leading through uncertainty
Understand the importance of chaos in change and the relevance of resistance. Increase confidence and the ability to be resourceful in any given moment.
Team dynamics
For an intact team – understand how the team communicate and resolve key issues.
Energy and emotions
Understand how energy and emotions inform your decisions and actions and fine-tune how you use them.
Responsibility & accountability
Take personal responsibility and accountability for impact and actions.