Last month we hosted the monthly Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Directors day.
A group of directors from a variety of businesses across the region came together to network and learn about their leadership skills by working with the horses.
Mr Blue (the grey horse in the photo) and Kalle worked with them for the morning, providing great insights to their leadership. They explore how we balance building relationships whilst focusing on the tasks that need to be delivered, how we manage pace, clarity of communication and so much more.
To start the session, everyone observed three of the horses in the arena – Opus, Mr Blue and Gaudi. The nervous anticipation of the group was reflected by the high energy of the horses. We discussed how emotions influence our decisions and actions and the importance of paying attention to what is happening in the emotional field and how we impact others too by what we do and how we feel in any given moment.
We moved on to how we build rapport, did a simple leading exercise and also shared a leadership model that we work with that shows how a cohesive team can come together and work in harmony. Great fun and learning was had by all and the day was picked up by Midlands Business News.